Vitamin Energy Sjampó 350ml

3.960 kr.



itamins Pure Balance Sjampó

  • Purifies and revitalizes the skin
  • Energizing and toning action


  • Apply to wet hair
  • Massage into a creamy foam, rinse off and repeat if necessary
  • Complete the treatment with the application of Energy Lotion.

Energy ofur innihaldsefnin eru; Brenninettla og rósmarín ilmkjarnaolíur sem örva hársvörðinn.

Auðgað með vítamínkomplex Provitamin B5 og E
Línan er 85% náttúruleg og niðurbrjótanleg
Umbúðir eru framleiddar úr 50% endurnýttu plasti

NETTLE leaves provide vitamins and minerals useful for strengthening the hair: in particular, nettle is rich in sulfur, zinc, copper, iron, calcium and potassium in addition to vitamins A, C, B2, B5 and B9. For this reason, the use of extracts based on nettle helps to regain the natural beauty of their hair and prevent the fall. Among the many medicinal plants with cosmetic properties,

ROSEMARY is the most suitable as a natural remedy to strengthen the hair and facilitate its growth, in fact the essential oil contained in it stimulates the follicle and hair growth and combats the fall.